How to reply to a specific chat message on Teams

2 min read

Published date: 03/03/2021

How to reply to a specific chat message on Teams

Chat on the mobile app

That’s the easy bit as you’d expect from Microsoft Teams. Simply touch and hold down the message you want to respond to and… bingo, up pops your options including ‘reply’.

Chat on the mobile app

Reply to a chat on the desktop

Easy too but only if it’s the last one in the chain of chats! Microsoft have this on the Agenda to update to add this as an option on the ellipsis (the three dots) but it’s been on the wish list for well over a year.

I use this method:

1. Copy the specific chat message on Teams that you want to reply to

2. Enter in a full editor to type the new message

3. Paste the content into the text box

4. Highlight the text you’ve just copied and hit the ‘format button’ and the menu pops up. Select the quote symbol

4. Hit return key to start a new line and then deselect the quote symbol.

5. The copied test is then highlighted and ready for you to write the response

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